History and Geography – For All Exams

1. Which of the following is a correct definition of “Isohyets”?

[A] Lines on a map showing equal rainfall
[B] Lines on a map having same mean temper
[C] Lines on a map having same barometric pressure
[D] Lines on a map showing equal height from mean sea level

Correct Answer: A [ Lines on a map showing equal rainfall ]

2. The concept of differential heating was primarily given to explain which of the following geographical phenomena in India?

[A] Monsoon
[B] Jet str
[C] Cyclones
[D] Desert storms

Correct Answer: A [ Monsoon ]

3. Which of the following regions was called “Gedrosia” during times of Alexander, the great?

[A] Gujarat
[B] Rajasthan
[C] Punjab
[D] Baluchistan

Correct Answer: D [ Baluchistan ]

4. Rummindei Pillar Inscription which talks about taxation in Maurya era has been found at which of the following places?

[A] Junagarh in Gujarat
[B] Ranchi in Jharkhand
[C] Bhabru in Rajasthan
[D] Lumbini in Nepal

Correct Answer: D [ Lumbini in Nepal ]

5. Which of the following rulers were contemporary of Buddha?

[A] Bimbisar of Magadha
[B] Prasenjit (Pansedi) of Kosala
[C] Udayan of Avanti
[D] All of Above

Correct Answer: D [ All of Above ]

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