Computer Questions & Answers

1. In terms of computer storage, which of the following represents the largest unit of measurement?
(1) Gigabyte (Gb)
(2) Bit
(3) Byte
(4) Megabyte (Mb)
(5) Kilobyte (Kb)


2. The concept of 'zero administration' is associated with _______.
(1) Portable computers
(2) Network computers
(3) Mini computers
(4) Desktop computers
(5) PDAs and organizers


3. The hardware component used for temporary storage of data and applications for processing is:
(1) Hard disk
(2) RAM
(3) Processor
(4) Monitor
(5) Keyboard


4. Which type of printer works by using a charged drum to deposit particles of ink on the paper?
(1) Laser printer
(2) Thermal printer
(3) Daisywheel printer
(4) Inkjet printer
(5) Dot-matrix printer


5. Which of the following storage devices is suited to holding large volumes of data that is unlikely to change often?
(1) CD-ROM
(2) Magnetic tape
(3) Floppy disk
(4) Hard disk
(5) Memory (RAM)


6. Which of the following storage devices is normally used to store the computer's operating system, application software and data?
(1) Memory (RAM)
(2) Floppy disk
(3) Hard disk
(4) CD-ROM
(5) Magnetic tape


7. Which of the following input devices would be best suited to capturing images for use with a personal computer?
(1) Touch screen
(2) Digital camera
(3) Graphics tablet
(4) Optical mark reader
(5) None of these


8. Which output device is suited to presenting information that is likely to change very frequently?
(1) Printer
(2) Sound card
(3) COM
(4) Monitor
(5) Plotter


9. The hardware component used to control the operation of a computer system is _______.
(1) RAM
(2) Keyboard
(3) Hard disk
(4) Processor
(5) Monitor


10. Which of the following might be used to input and interpret information printed on bank cheques?
(1) COM
(2) MICR
(3) OCR
(4) CAD
(5) OMR


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