General Awareness & Current Affairs for IBPS CLERK

1.  Which Indian snooker player has announced his retirement  from professional snooker?
Pankaj Advani
Subhash Agarwal
Aditya Mehta
Geet  Sethi

Answer: Pankaj Advani

2.  What  is India's rank in the list  of  world's largest  crude-oil importing countries in the world?

Answer: Third

3.  Which two nations have inaugurated the first  triangular India-US-Africa partnership in agricultural training at  the National Institute of  Agricultural Extension Management  (MANAGE), Hyderabad?
India and US
India and South Africa
India and France
India and China

Answer: India and US

4.  Who among the following served as first  Chairman of  the National Human Right s Commission?
Just ice Sabyasachi Mukharji
Just ice P N Bhagwati
Just ice Ranganath Misra
Just ice YV Chandrachud

Answer: Justice Ranganath Misra

5.  Komik, the highest  motorable village of  the world at  4513 metres is located in ___?
Himachal Pradesh
Jammu & Kashmir

Answer: Himachal Pradesh

6.  Which among the following animals are found in their natural habitat  in the Cold Desert  of  India?

1.  Snow Leopard
2.  Tibetan Wolf
3.  Jackal
Select  the correct  opt ion from the codes given below:
1 & 2
2 & 3
1 & 3
1, 2 & 3

Answer: 1, 2 & 3

7.  Consider the following statements:

1.  Rotavirus is one of  the primary causes of  mortality  for children less than five years of  age in India
2.  Rotavirus causes moderate to severe diarrhoea in infants Which among the above is / are correct statement s?
Only 1
Only 2
Both 1 & 2
Neither 1 nor 2

Answer: Both 1 & 2

8.  Mumbai’s Esplanade House, which recently bagged the UNESCO Asia-Pacific Heritage Awards, once served as residence of  __?
Mahadev Govind Ranade
Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata
Ghanshyam Das Birla
Jamnalal Bajaj

Answer: Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata

9.  The biggest  resource of  gold above ground in the world is in which among the following countries?
United States

Answer: India 

10.  Which among the following animals is also known as "aquatic panda"?
Ganges River Dolphin
Chinese White Dolphins
Indus river dolphin Amazon river dolphin
Chinese White Dolphins

Answer: Chinese White Dolphins

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